Jumat, 29 Juni 2012



Dul Muluk is one of traditional art in south Sumatera. It’s usually performed on special occasions such as wedding parties, circumcision rites, the celebration of Palembang’s anniversary, the celebration of Indonesia’s independence or on entertainment stages.
In the 1960s Dul Muluk was performed for seven days and nights with pauses in between. Today, a Dul Muluk performance last only two to three hours. Uniquely, although Dul Muluk is usually performed in Palembang, most Dul Muluk troupes come from Pemulutan village in a suburban area of Palembang municipality.
A Dul Muluk performance is about palace life. The story is told through a number of characters such as the king, a royal army commander, royal guards and royal maids. Uniquely, there are no actresses in a Dul Muluk performance. A female character in the story will be played by a male actor made up and dressed like a woman.

                                                                                                                             Name : Arif Rosyidin


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