Sabokingking site is a noble tombs of palembang kingdom before they dedare as kasultanan palembang darussalam in 1975. This cemetery is located in kelurahan 1 ilir timur 2. Here, there are tombs of prince sido ing kenayan and his wife raden ayu sinuhun, prince sido ing pasaeran or jamaluddin mangkurat I (1630-1652), prince bodrowongso (1622-1635), al-habib al arif billah bin al idrus bin shabab, and panglima kibagus abdurrachman. Location of prince sido ing kenayan’s tombs is not far from his predecessor’s tombs, the first king of palembang ki gede ing suro, noble from java who move to musi valley after islam kingdom collapse by the conflict of family, in lorong haji umar kelurahan 1 ilir palembang. At prince sido ing kenayan’s time, palembang kingdom publish a lawbook “simbur cahaya” it is a customary law written and applied in whole region of south sumatra at that time.
By : Mira Yulianti 2BIB
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